Effectively, RDMA allows a member's agent to simply perform what appears to be a local memory copy operation, when in fact the target is the memory address of a remote machine. RDMA有效地使成员的代理只需执行看似本地内存复制的操作,而此时的实际目标是远程计算机的内存地址。
T target path The full path of the target directory for the copy operation ( for example:/ pictures/ Fiji_August_2010/). ttargetpath复制操作的目标目录的完整路径(例如:/pictures/FijiAugust2010/)。
If a table is in set integrity pending state at the beginning of the copy operation, the data is not loaded into the target table. 如果在复制操作开始时表处于setintegritypending状态,那么数据不会装载到目标表中。
Changes to tables in the source schema during copy processing might mean that the data in the target schema is not identical following a copy operation. 在复制处理期间修改源模式中的表可能会导致在复制操作之后目标模式中的数据不相同。
Objects that are not coupled with a schema such as table spaces and event monitors, are not operated on during a copy schema operation. 对于不与模式相关的对象(比如表空间和事件监视器),在模式复制操作期间不进行处理。
Tables: This field is the list of tables that were selected in the copy operation. Tables:这个字段是复制操作选择的表的列表。
This saves you rebuilding the logical volumes and file systems yourself, as you would need to do before running a traditional restore or copy operation. 这样您就不必自己重新构建逻辑卷和文件系统,否则需要像以前一样进行传统的恢复或复制操作。
Copy of operation license and qualification certificate of construction enterprise. 施工企业营业执照、资质证书复印件。
When you want to perform a dedicated bulk copy operation, create a new instance of sqlbulkcopy with a connection string, or use an existing SqlConnection object without an active transaction. 在您要执行专用的批量复制操作时,使用连接字符串创建sqlbulkcopy的新实例,或者在没有活动事务的情况下使用现有sqlconnection对象。
It is used either during Drag/ Drop operation or during a Cut/ Copy/ Paste operation. 它或者使用拖放操作,或者使用剪切/制/贴操作。
During the execution of a bulk copy operation, this collection can be accessed, but it cannot be changed. 在执行批量复制操作期间,可以访问此集合,但不能进行更改。
If a batch size is not set, the complete bulk copy operation is treated as one transaction. 如果没有设置批大小,则整个大容量复制操作将被视为一个事务。
The server process must have access to that path in order for the bulk copy operation to succeed. 服务器进程将需要访问该路径,批量复制操作才能成功。
The copy operation could not be completed. It is possible that the destination server is unavailable or does not support subfolders. a fastener that serves to join or link. 复制操作无法完成。可能目标服务器无法连接或不支持子文件夹。用来连接或结合的扣件。
Unable to complete copy operation. The connection to your mobile device was interrupted. 无法完成复制操作。到移动设备的连接中断。
In source control, branching is analogous to a file system copy operation. 在源代码管理中,分支与文件系统复制操作类似。
If the source texture contains dirty regions, the copy operation can be optimized by restricting it to those regions only. 如果源纹理包含脏区域,则通过只复制这些脏区域,可以优化复制操作。
In this first example, the bulk copy operation is non-transacted. 在此第一个示例中,批量复制操作是非事务性的。
If dest is an url, the copy operation may fail if the wrapper does not support overwriting of existing files. 如果dest是一个url,则如果封装协议不支持覆盖已有的文件时拷贝操作会失败。
The time and date of the last copy operation to the secondary server. 上次对辅助服务器执行复制操作的时间和日期。
If any active sessions exist, the copy database wizard does not execute the move or copy operation. 如果存在活动会话,复制数据库向导不会执行移动或复制操作。
Unable to complete copy operation. The mobile device may not have enough room or the connection may have been interrupted. 无法完成复制操作。可能是因为移动设备上空间不足,或与移动设备的连接中断。
The following console application is similar to the previous example, with one exception: in this example, the bulk copy operation manages its own transactions. 下面的控制台应用程序与前面的示例相似,只有一个例外:在此示例中,批量复制操作管理自己的事务。
The index at which to start the copy operation. 开始复制操作的索引。
For example, you can set the value of the maximum property to the total number of files in a file copy operation. 例如,可以将maximum属性的值设置为文件复制操作中文件的总数。
To abort the bulk copy operation. 会使批量复制操作中止。
However, some filters require a copy operation; this requirement influences the choice of base classes. 然而,某些筛选器需要一个复制操作;该要求影响基类的选择。
For any move, copy, or delete operation in this Explorer, they show this reasonably well-designed process dialog box. 对于资源管理器中的任何一次移动、复制或删除操作,它显示了设计合理的进度对话框。
Firstly, we can not copy the way of operation in some European countries to promote the judicial efficiency, because they do not confront the problems, say, the low quality of judge and the lack of judicial independence etc. 首先,美日等法治国家用于提高司法效率的方法我们无法借鉴,因为我国面临的法官素质低和司法不独立等问题在现代法治国家并不存在。
Using the method of linear programming and principle of duality we discuss a problem of optimization. By economic analyses we point out that we don't copy blindly simplified operation which is applicable to theory of pure mathematics in solving problems of applied mathematics. 运用线性规划方法和对偶理论讨论了一类优化组合问题,并通过经济分析,指出了在求解应用数学问题过程中,不能随意搬用纯数学理论中常用的简化运算方法。